Occupational and Preventive Medicine Video Challenge

Join our video competition! Showcase your creativity and share your knowledge of occupational and preventive medicine topics. It's your chance to shine!

The AOCOPM invites you to create an informative video related to occupational and preventive medicine. Choose a subject that you're passionate about, whether it's a university or work project, an explanation of osteopathic medicine, an interesting procedure or technique, research findings, or a look at new technologies. Let your medical mojo flow!

 Adjudication criteria:

  • Relevance and interest to the wider occupational and preventive medicine community  
  • Clarity and effectiveness of the message
  • Subject knowledge and understanding  
  • Visual presentation quality  

 Requirements for the videos:

  • Content: Be informative and focus on occupational and preventive medicine.
  • Style: Use the resources available to you. You can present over slides, film yourself talking or acting, or a combination of both.
  • Duration:  Videos should be between 6–10 minutes long.
  • Non-English language content must have English captions.


  • Who can participate? Pre-Medical students, Medical students, Residents, Physicians - everyone is invited!
  • You do not have to be a member of the American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine to enter.
  • Both individuals and team projects are welcome.


  • Winning videos will be showcased at the AOCOPM Midyear Educational Conference, published in the AOCOPM Newsletter, and on the AOCOPM YouTube channel, as well as shared on social media.
  • The winning video will receive a cash reward of $100.  Other cash prizes are possible, depending on the number and quality of entries.

Entry Deadline: December 31, 2023

Submission guidelines:

  • Upload your video to YouTube as “unlisted” with visibility settings. Please keep this setting until the end of December 2023.
  • Include details and links to sources referenced in the video description on YouTube.
  • Fill out the entry form:
Entry Form

Winners will be selected and announced in January 2023.

Important Notes:

  • Provide source details and links in the video notes when uploading to Youtube.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions or licenses for intellectual property usage, as required by Fair Use laws.
  • If the subject is specifically related to your current or past employment, obtain the necessary permissions from your employer.
  • Submitted videos may be shared or published on the AOCOPM's social media channels at a later date.