Information for Speakers
in conjunction with OMED24
Sept 20-22, San Antonio, Texas
Let Everyone Know You are Presenting at OMED24!
Here's a graphic you can use on social media. Sample post: "Join me in at OMED in San Antonio Sept. 20-22. OMED is the largest Osteopathic Medical conference bringing together all specialties. Register today!" #OsteopathicConference #OMED24 #MedicalConference #SanAntonio #OccupationalMedicine #PreventiveMedicine #WorkplaceHealth #EmployeeWellness #WorkplaceSafety #HealthAndSafety #PublicHealth #AsMA #AerospaceMedicine
Speaker Honorarium and Reimbursement Policy
- $300 honorarium ($500 for two lectures). Since OMED Speakers are required to pre-record their presentations, they are really giving two lectures and may claim the $500 honorarium.
- Advance coach airfare, not to exceed $800, airport parking, transport fees to and from the airport
- If driving, mileage can be reimbursed at the IRS rate.
- Lodging for one night at a rate comparable to the convention hotel.
- Food and beverage are NOT included in reimbursement.
- Completed and signed Reimbursement Form with receipts attached is required (PDF version of the form).
- Health Policy Fellows are not currently eligible for an honorarium or expense reimbursement.
- While presentations by co-presenters are welcomed, only the primary presenter will be paid honoraria and expenses.
Required Documents
Due by June 14th:
- CV
- Introductory Bio
- Learning Objectives, with supporting documentation
- Photo (to print in the program; a selfie you like will do)
- Disclosures (Required for accreditation. These will be made in the form linked below.)
- Release of information (please be mindful of copyrights)
Due by August 15th:
- Recorded Video (mp4 format. Length is important. If you have a one-hour time slot, your video must be between 53 and 69 minutes.)
- PowerPoint (Please do not use any corporate logo, trade name, or a product-group message of commercial interest and include a disclosure slide)
- 3-5 Test Questions (provided as a courtesy to AOBPM)
Detailed Instructions and Resources
Would you like to speak at a future educational conference? Please submit a proposal: